Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Injecting power with the CDI Instance Interface - Part 2

In my last post I described a way to programmatically inject a specific instance via the Instance interface. In this post I'll use the Instance interface again, but this time to inject many instances of an Object.

To start, I'll discuss why you might want to do this. One of the most common reasons I've found is in a modular application where you include different modules into one larger application. When you do this things like installers or the menu system needs to be set-up for each module. In this example we'll look at providing a dynamic menu system.

Menu Classes

Our menu is not going to be fully featured, it actually won't do anything but provide categories and options. We're going to create the following simple classes
    public class MenuCategory {
        private String name;
        ... Accessors and Equals and HashCode Here... 
    public class MenuOption {
        private MenuCategory category;
        private String name;
        ... Accessors and Equals and HashCode Here...
We'll also create a Menu class that we can add all of our Options. Adding them to this class will push them into a map that uses the category as the key. You'll also notice the @Alternative qualifier. This is so that when we inject the Menu later the CDI container won't be confused.
    public class Menu {
        private Map<MenuCategory, List<MenuOption>> menuOptions;
        public Menu(){
            menuOptions = new HashMap<MenuCategory, List>(10);
        public void addOption(MenuOption option){
                menuOptions.put(option.getCategory(), new ArrayList());

        public Map<MenuCategory, List<MenuOption>> getMenuOptions() {
            return menuOptions;

Menu Option Provider and Menu Producer

Next we need a common way to provide the Menu Options, and we have an interface to the rescue.
public interface MenuOptionProvider {
    List<MenuOption> getMenuOptions();
And now we can start the fun with instances, first we'll start by making our class
public class MenuProducer {
And next we'll inject our Instance interface.
    @Inject @Any Instance optionProviders;
Now that we have our Instance, instead of limiting it with a qualifier, like we did in the last post, we're going to use all Instances it can find. So, instead of using the select and get methods, we're going to take advantage of the fact that it is Iterable.
    @Produces public Menu produceMenu(){
        Menu menu = new Menu();
        for(MenuOptionProvider provider:optionProviders){
            for(MenuOption option:provider.getMenuOptions()){
        return menu;
And that's it, we now have our dynamic menu, if you want to see it at work implement the MenuProvider like this:
public class FileMenu implements MenuOptionProvider {

    public List getMenuOptions() {
        MenuCategory category = new MenuCategory();

        List options = new ArrayList();

        String[] optionNames = {"Open", "Save", "Close"};

        for (String optionName : optionNames) {
            MenuOption option = new MenuOption();

        return options;

Download the source of this example here.

And that concludes our example today. I hope you've enjoyed this post and that it has helped you in some way.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Injecting power with the CDI Instance Interface - Part 1

The Instance interface in CDI is a powerful tool for creating flexible libraries and applications. In this post I'll examine a couple different ways to use Instance in your application and gain the power of programmatic injection. First, lets talk about Instance a bit. For detailed informaiton, see the Weld Reference. Instance allows a programmer to decide, at run-time, via code, which Object should be injected. This is very powerful and can be used in a few different ways. You can use the Instance interface to select a specific instance, or you can use it to run through all instances. We'll look at both of these cases with some simple examples. The first example will be creating a Factory object and will only use one instance at a time. The second example, where we'll run through many instances will wait until another post.

The factory example

In this example we'll dynamically inject a single instance that will construct an Object for us. Using this method we can create a factory that is so easy to extend that you don't need to modify it to add functionality. In this example we'll have a couple different Objects we want to create in our factory, and for fun, they won't be related whatsoever.

    public class FirstObject{
        public String value;

    public class SecondObject{
        public Integer intVal;
OK, we have two really simple objects that share no inheritance, and we'll have our factory create both of them; but our factory is actually going to ship the work off-shore, it will out source the work to specialized shops that we'll call ObjectBuilder.
public interface ObjectBuilder {
    Object build(String value);
We're providing it with some extra information just so that we can see it do more than just create a new instance. These builders will be simple to write and here they are:

    public class FirstObjectBuilder implements ObjectBuilder{
        public Object build(String value) {
            FirstObject object = new FirstObject();
            object.value = value;
            return object;

    public class SecondObjectBuilder implements ObjectBuilder{
        public Object build(String value) {
            SecondObject object = new SecondObject();
            object.intVal = Integer.parseInt(value);
            return object;
Finally, before we get to making our factory we need a Qualifier. This qualifier will allow us to inject the specific ObjectBuilder that we want.
public @interface BuilderFor {
    Class value();
We also need an Annotation Literal that we can manipulate during the CDI look-up.
public class BuilderForLiteral 
    extends AnnotationLiteral 
    implements BuilderFor{

    private Class clazz;

    public BuilderForLiteral(Class clazz) {
        this.clazz = clazz;

    public Class value() {
        return clazz;
The annotation literal provides a "physical" object that we can manipulate programmatically to represent what we're looking for.

Now that everything is in place, lets play with Instance and make our factory.
public class MyFactory{
The first thing we need in our factory is an Instance, so we'll inject that.
@Inject @Any Instance objectBuilderInstances;
Next, lets define our method for building:
public Object build(Class typeToBuild, String value){
Now, we're going to add a qualification to our Instance. This will limit the look-up to the specific ObjectBuilder we're looking for.
    BuilderForLiteral builderForQualifier = new BuilderForLiteral(typeToBuild);
    Instance qualifiedInstance 
So, we now have a qualified Instance... great... we still don't have the object. But don't worry, that's the next step.
    ObjectBuilder builder = qualifiedInstance.get();
We've now injected our ObjectBuilder programmatically, the rest is pretty straight-forward.
And the Factory class altogether looks like this:
public class MyFactory {
    @Inject @Any Instance objectBuilderInstances;
    public Object build(Class typeToBuild, String value){
        BuilderForLiteral builderForQualifier = new BuilderForLiteral(typeToBuild);
        Instance qualifiedInstance 
        ObjectBuilder builder = qualifiedInstance.get();
This is a very powerful pattern that you can use throughout your applications, and this is just one example of using the Instance interface. Soon I'll post again about using the Instance interface to access multiple instances.

I once again want to say that this code is not production ready. For example, before we get the ObjectBuilder you should check to see if the Instance is unsatisfied or ambiguous and throw an Exception. You can use qualifiedInstance.isUnsatisfied() and qualifiedInstance.isAmbiguous() to do this.

I hope you've enjoyed this post and come back again later for more.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Injecting Configuration Values with CDI in a Java EE environment

Commonly while developing a web application there is need to configure an application differently per deployment. This configuration is generally handled by an external data source such as a properties or XML file. In this post I will examine a novel way of retrieving these configuration values using CDI injection.

My first thought about injecting Configuration values led me to inject a Configuration object and using this object I could access the configuration values. This is kind of clunky as I never really wanted the configuration object just the values. My code would end up looking like this:
@Inject Configuration conf;

private void useConfig(){
But why can't I just inject the value directly. What I would like to do is this
@Inject @Config("myConfig") String myConfig;
Well, I'm not quite able to do that either but I can get pretty close to this. Ultimately, I was able to come up with a configuration library that allows me to inject configuration like this
@Inject @Config @ConfigName("myConfig") String myConfig;
So how did I do it? There's a few pieces to this puzzle. There is a CDI producer, a CDI qualifier, a plain old annotation and a data access object to retrieve the configuration values. Let's start with the qualifer.

Configuration Qualifier

A qualifier in CDI is a way to limit what will be injected. We will use this qualifier on String objects to allow our producer, which we'll come to later, to provide the values. A CDI Qualifier is actually just a regular annotation that is annotated with @Qualifier. Below is the qualifier we will use.
public @interface Config {

Configuration Name Annotation

The configuration name allows us to inject the value by the name that we refer to them in the configuration data source. This annotation is quite simple and will contain a value, which will be the configuration name. If you already know about qualifiers, you may be asking why we have this annotation and why not include the name in the qualifier. The problem is that if you included the name in the qualifier you'd have to have a separate producer for every configuration value. This is because when CDI does it's look up for objects and producers that match the injection, the value of the qualifier is actually used.
public @interface ConfigName {
   public String value();

Configuration Data Access Object

We will need some way of accessing our configuration values, whether they're stored in a properties file, and XML file, a database, or somewhere else, we just need a common way to access them. To this end, we'll just describe an interface and you can provide an implementation.
public interface ConfigurationDao{
    String readValue(String name);
Now that all of that is out of the way, let's see the producer.

Configuration Producer

So, to start, we need a class that will produce the configuration values, lets call it ConfigurationProducer.
public class ConfigurationProducer {
Next, we'll need access to the configuration data, so let's inject that.
   @Inject ConfigurationDao dao;
And now the actual producer method. A producer method, as defined by the weld reference,
... is a method that acts as a source of bean instances.
More information on Producer Methods can be found in the Weld Reference. This needs to be annotated as a Producer and qualified with Config, the qualifier we made earlier.
   @Produces @Config public String getConfigurationValue(...){
Next, we need more details about where we're injecting, maybe information about the point of injection. Well, it just so happens that part of the CDI specification is that Producers can have access to the InjectionPoint.
   @Produces @Config public String getConfigurationValue(InjectionPoint p){
You can see the Weld Reference for more information on the Injection Point. With the injection point, we can actually access the ConfigName annotation.
       String valueName = null;
       for(Annotation annot:p.getAnnotated().getAnnotations()){
           if(annot instanceof ConfigName){
               log.debug("Found a config name annotation");
               ConfigName configNameAnnot = (ConfigName)annot;
               valueName = configNameAnnot.value();
And now that we've determined the Configuration Name all we have to do is look it up and return the value.
       return dao.readValue(valueName);
And that's it. Now, in any class (that supports injection) you can simply code
@Inject @Config @ConfigName("super.awesome.config") String configValue;
and the producer will handle the rest. On top of this, you have further options with the producer. You can add another annotation for default values. If this annotation is found and there is nothing in the configuration data source this value would be used. You can also have it provide types other than String, simply add another method to your producer that provides, lets say, an Integer instead of a String. There are many further options that you could tackle, you could even include multiple data sources with some simple tweaks.

Finally, i just want to point out that the code on this page is not production ready. The DAO should likely be able to throw an Exception if there is an error accessing the data source, and it might be wise for the Producer to throw an exception if the ConfigName annotation is not found, but, for simplicity's sake these things are not here.